October 1st & Beyond: Not an Impossible Dream with ICDNavigator!

This webinar has already taken place. However, you can watch a recording of it below.

Originally aired on September 29th, 2015

You are invited to join us for this exclusive, complimentary webinar entitled “How to Win with ICD-10 Coding October 1st & Beyond: Not an Impossible Dream with ICDNavigator!”

A lot has happened in the march towards the October 1st ICD-10 implementation. Some issues we knew were coming and we expected, others we did not!

This webinar will focus on the LATEST (strategic)  DEVELOPMENTS you should know about as we move closer to the ICD-10 launch date in two (2) weeks, including updates and clarifications from CMS on the one-year grace period, new exceptions to the ICD-10 (really, in California!), and more.

The ICD-10 transition from ICD-9 has been dubbed as a Y-2K like problem (Year 2000. 2 character date fields will fail). We believe the ramifications of this change to ICD-10 are much larger than the Y2-K concerns.

With ICD-10, the entire healthcare chain will be “touched”, that is, from front-office scheduling, to patient admissions, actual doctor visits and clinical diagnoses, abstracting CPT codes with treatment to the back-end medical coders, medical billing staff and further on the ‘return route’ with the claims clearing house, and ultimately with payers.

A misstep or error, anywhere along this comprehensive cast of actors, will affect the ability to get claims reviewed, approved and paid in a timely manner. Cash flow disaster stories in the media abound for a good reason, that is: it could happen — and it could happen to you — if you’re not ‘prime time’ ready.

Depending on your EHR vendor or external clearing house to assist your practice with ICD-10 ‘blindly’ is like asking for directions from a local gas station, rather than using your own on-board GPS navigator. We all have better solutions in today’s technology-enriched world.

Get smart by getting ICDnavigator, your own ICD-10 ‘GPS-like’ navigator.

Punch in your ‘destination’ (via Google-like diagnosis keywords) and get the correct FINAL ICD-10 code COMPLETE with ICD-9 cross-walk equivalent(s), additional or Exclude1 & Exclude2 codes, high-risk notifiers for additional billing options with certain disease categories, Snomed concept equivalents and MUCH MORE — ALL in one screen! (without fumbling with screen-to-screen clicks).

Here’s the BEST part, you can get ICDNavigator FREE!

By attending this webinar, you will learn how you can benefit and get an extra cushion of internal ICD-10 readiness with our “GPS-enriched” ICD-10 coding tool that’s a simple as punching in your coordinates (via diagnosis keywords).

Click here to reserve your spot and register: DIRECT LINK TO REGISTER

To know more about the tool, click here on the ICDNavigator website: www.icdnavigator.com
Look here for more on the FREE and PREMIUM features: www.icdnavigator.com/tweetfree.html


Ram Balani
Founder & CEO
 Dawn Van Dam
President & CEO
Healthy Business Connexions