Too many young people rule themselves out of a science career. But boosting their “science capital” could change that, say educationalists
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To build a great business that commercializes your science successfully, you need talent, who ought to be excited to be diligent in his or her work. This talent comes from the best and largest pools, which seem like you cannot control. But you can ensure the most brilliant and motivated candidates enter those pools, giving you a range of qualified potential employees. To do so, you must first recognize science capital.
Science capital, as defined in the article by Louise Archer – of University College London –, is the likeliness of people weaving science into their education and careers. It isn’t only this, but science capital relates to people’s feeling on and interest in science, with the activities done in their free time, one’s identity (or how one perceives one’s identity) in relation to science, and culture’s influence on views of science.
The way to increase people’s science capital, especially from a young age, is to change the perception of certain words or ideas associated with science. For example, as Archer says, ‘sciencey’ children associate with a classmate that gives strictly technical answers. If you instead show these kids that ‘sciencey’ can also mean going to a festival to learn the science of sound, they may gain a different perspective of science and become involved in it.
What can you do to increase the science capital of these kids? Hold days where you invite classes to see your science company and get excited about doing science; go to their school and show them the fun of science; donate and more. When you do this in your area, you will create a larger pool of future potential candidates, which you will be able to choose from, increasing the average talent level of your employees and the chance of you succeeding in your commercializing your business.